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The New Stuff

Permanent Makeup: Is it Worth a Try?

Permanent makeup or what is also known as cosmetic tattooing entails having to use dyes to color or to add more character to the eyebrows, eyes, and lips. With cosmetic tattooing done nowadays, usual services already includes areolar repigmentation and nipple restoration.

This beautifying practice is not something new in the cosmetic industry; in fact it has been around since the early 1900’s where vegetable dyes were injected beneath the topmost layer of the skin.

Cosmetic tattooing uses the art of micropigmentation and can be safely done by cosmetologists, cosmetic surgeons, and specially trained aestheticians. This by the way is an important factor that should be considered because someone who is not properly trained could give you with a poorly and permanently inked face.

With skilled hands and the eye for good aesthetics, cosmetic tattooing can perfect the brow, define the lips, and give the eyes more character. The outcome will vary depending on the color, the amount applied and the design. It certainly enhances your feature even without having to put on a dash of topical makeup – perfect for the woman on the go.

The procedure usually takes more than hour to finish since it requires careful precision to create that natural appearance that suite the person’s feature well.

The results immediately after application would be rather dark because of some color that remains at the upper layers of the skin. But it soon lightens to something more natural-looking over the weeks. How the long term effect will come to be depends on several factors. For instance constant sun exposure can eventually cause the color to fade much quickly. Sometimes the individual’s skin tone can also affect color change over time. A touch up procedure is often advised after a month’s time to maintain the outcome.

For the first few days after the procedure some might observes some crusting on the area that was tattooed. But this will just peel off on its own after a few days. Swelling is also a common reaction and will recede within 2-5 days. Therefore it would be advisable to schedule the procedure on a Friday to allow the swelling to subside over the weekend, and you no longer have to expose your puffy face and have anyone know that you have something done.

Permanent makeup may be mainly used for aesthetic purposes but it can also be a means to restore certain facial features that has been affected by disease, medications or treatments. Thyroid problems and chemotherapeutic agents can cause you to lose hair especially on your eyebrows. So, as a way to gain back confidence, cosmetic tattooing can help fill in those patches or create a totally new set of brows.

For those seniors who have rather shaky hands and poor eyesight, cosmetic tattooing will also allow them to have that color on their faces without having to go through all the trouble of applying some makeup.

Cosmetic tattooing also has its set of disadvantages that one must also consider. Poor results will always be apparent, and this can be caused by a lack of competence on the one performing it. There is also a risk for allergic reactions to the dyes used and infections from low quality and poorly sanitized equipment’s.

The cosmetic tattooing cost depends on the expertise of the one performing it, the place or area where it is performed, and the extent or number of procedures done.

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