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The New Stuff

Types of Incisions for Breast Implants

When you decide to get some breast augmentation, one of the considerations that you have to make is the type of incision that you want. There are different ways in which the implants can be inserted into your body. Cosmetic surgeons have their own preferences, but ultimately the decision will rely on your specific case and preference. Here are the four types of incisions used for breast augmentation surgery.

Transaxillary Incision

Axilla means the armpit, so when you say transaxillary, this means that the incision is made at the fold of the armpit tissue. It is created through a channel which starts from the armpit running to the breast, which then leads to the area behind the nipple. In some cases the surgeon uses an endoscope, a small and very narrow tube that has a camera at the end, in order to visualize the area more properly. 

This technique doesn't create any scarring to any part of the breasts since the incision is made at a distant site. However, one concern about it is that it runs a risk for breast implant asymmetry.

Periareolar Incision

This incision is created along the edges of the hyperpigmented area that surrounds the nipple. The reason for doing the incisions along the edges is to mask any hint of scarring that may result. Aside from the minimal visibility of scars, this incision also allows the surgeon to have better control with the position of the implant. 

This means that asymmetry may not be a problem. However, a drawback to this approach is that 2-5% of the patients who have had this reported of a loss of nipple sensation. Also, this may not be recommended for those women who are planning to breastfeed because the incision can run across milk ducts and permanently damage them.

Tuba  (Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation) Incision

If the patient wants no scar whatsoever on their breast, you might want to opt for a TUBA incision. It is done by creating a cut on the area directly surrounding the navel. The surgeon uses an endoscope to guide him as he creates a clear pathway from the navel to the breast. Once he has reached the area, he then creates a pocket in which the breast implants would have to be inserted. This is a blind procedure, as the surgeon mainly relies on the endoscope, which is why this entrails a very good accuracy and eye for symmetry.

Inframammary Incision

This type of incision is the commonly used technique with it placed right along the fold of the breasts. This is the easiest to perform and it also gives the surgeon better range when it comes to creating the pocket and positioning the implants. However, the problem with this is that it can result to scarring, although it can be quite hidden. This can also be concealed when wearing a bathing suit since it runs along the lower strap area.

Regardless of what type of implants that you are going to use, it is best to discuss the type of incision that is most appropriate for you in detail. For instance, you want to have a scar less chest area so you opted for the TUBA incision, but the problem is that you want silicone implants. A TUBA is not the right approach since it is only appropriate for saline implants, where the shell can be positioned first before filling it up with the solution.

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